Sunday, October 16, 2011


Now that the academic part of this is over, I will make this blog more personal. There happens to be some reservation in my mind as to whether or not I should do this at all. I may not be as personal as I would like to be because quite frankly I am scared. I let too many people in to get close to me and most of them hurt me. I may use this as a tool to help me get past my hangups, but I may just post some musings from time to time. Either way, welcome again to my place.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Week 8

This is the final week in both of my classes. I have learned quite a bit from both classes since I started a few short weeks ago. I have kept posting at least once per week since I started class, which was not exactly required but we were expected to contribute to our ePortfolio regularly. I have made the design of this Blog my own; I felt like it was important for my little piece of cyberspace to reflect my personality a little bit. The symbol that is at the top of the Blog means strength or power. My music idol Eric Carr used these symbols on his drum kit, and I have liked it since the first time I saw it.

This course, entitled CIS 1200, Introduction to College Learning, has been very helpful in that I was able to brush up on the APA Style of formatting PowerPoint presentations as well as papers. I was also able to figure out what my goals were now and see if they were any different than from when I first started school. I have an Associate of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice from the University of Phoenix, and I can honestly say that moving forward I will use my new goal set and new study habits learned in this course in all of my future courses here at Shorter University.